Things To Do With Kids During The CV-19 Quarantine
If you are looking for some fun things to do with the kids while you’re stuck at home, here are some ideas.
1. Listen to an Astronaut read from space
Storytime From Space is unlike any other kind of storytime; NASA astronauts read stories to kids while they float around in space. Watch here.
2. Watch the Monterrey Bay Aquarium Sea Otter Cam here
Monterrey Bay Aquarium has a sea otter cam that allows you to watch what the sea otters are doing at any given time of day!
3. Explore Africa with African wildlife cam
Learn more about the wildlife of Africa by checking out this African wildlife cam situated by a busy watering hole.
4. Watch a live stream of puppies here
5. Go camping in the living room.
6. Play board games.
7. Design and go on an indoor treasure hunt.
8. Plan a family garden.
9. Make ice cream in a bag. Recipe here.
10. Make slime. Instructions here.
11. Set up an in-home nail salon and try some nail art techniques. Ideas here.
12. Make a piñata. Instructions here.
13. Make Kinetic Sand. Instructions here.
14. Make and blow bubbles. Instructions here.
15. Teach your pet a new trick.
16. Go in your backyard and look for four-leaf clovers.
17. Write a secret message in invisible ink. Recipe for lemon juice invisible ink here.
18. Play “I Spy” inside or out the window.
19. Clean out your closets.
20. Facetime or Skype with family or friends.
21. Make some play dough. Recipe here.
22. Create a nature scavenger hunt in your back yard.
23. Make a time capsule! One day your kids can use it to tell their kids all about this craziness.
24. Make Rock Candy. Recipe here.
25. Make a paper Fidget Spinner. Instructions here.
26. Make Friendship Bracelets. Instructions here.
27. Learn Magic Tricks. Ideas here.
28. Make Slime. Recipe here.
29. Do chores bingo. Cards here.