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Got Clutter?

Got Clutter?

Got clutter? Of course you do, Who doesn’t!

The thing about clutter is that we don’t have to keep looking at it. That’s right! AND you don’t have to throw it away, although some people clearly need to do just that.  I know, we all have those sentimental things that we love sitting around and there’s nothing wrong with that unless it takes over your entire house. Ask yourself if you feel like you have too much “stuff” hanging around that you don’t need.

Ask yourself the following 3 questions while looking at each item in your home:

  1. Is it SENTIMENTAL? (Does it bring you some kind of emotional value?)
  2. Do you NEED it? (Don’t cheat, be honest)
  3. Does it bring you JOY? (Happiness?)

A general rule of thumb is that an item must have two yeses to stay.

It’s a proven fact that if we keep our spaces organized, we tend to be twice as productive and more energized. Here are a few things that can help.

BasketsStorage Baskets

Baskets can be used to compliment your decor while adding a place to store your clutter. There are so many different styles and shapes to choose from these days so you shouldn’t have any problem finding your perfect match for your room. Baskets are great for organizing childrens toys, games, etc. Baskets are a wonderful solution to any room in your home.

File Boxes

File Boxes

These can be used for more than just clutter. You can use them to hold recipes in, bills, or coupons, etc.


Crates will hold a lot of clutter. Maybe you have an artsy child at home and need a space just for arts and crafts. A crate could be just what you need. Maybe even a few of them 😉 Crates are also great for toys

Your children are more likely to clean their rooms when they have a place to put their toys away at the end of the day.  Try rewarding them for it, that always works.

Plastic ContainersClear Storage Containers

Plastic containers can be found most anywhere and come in all shapes and sizes.  Barbi and Thomas the Train love to be stored in them. These containers can also be used for blankets, sheets, medical supplies, makeup, and the list goes on and on.

Over-the door Storage

These can be used for more than just shoes you guys. They are great for makeup and beauty supplies. Hang one in your bathroom and you’ll be clutter free in no time.

Over the door storage


You may want to install extra cabinets to hold some of your things. Even if you only have room for 1, it’s a step in the right direction 😉

Dog Toy Containers

Click HERE to see more. Dog Toy Storage


Now you’ll just need to make sure everyone puts their things back away after they used them 😉