Corprorate Office: 490 Cummins Dr., Chaffee, MO  63740  (MAP)  (573) 887-3100  Contact us on FB Messenger HERE                                                                            HOURS: Monday-Friday 8-5  /  Saturday & Evenings by appt.                                            For Showroom appointment, please call (573) 887-3471


Back to school

YES, AUGUST IS HERE! And with that comes Back To School

It seems like the summer’s get shorter and shorter every year. The fun days just seem to fly by. But, it’s not over yet! The Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo is only a week away AND Chaffee German Days!!!  Not to mention a few more super fun events listed below.

yes, august is here!

Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo

Click below ↓ for more information

Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo


Frisco Park – Chaffee

Click below ↓ for more information

Chaffee German Days

Chaffee German Days_____________________________________________

Downtown Perryville

Click below ↓ for more information

Laid Back I-55 show


City Park

Click below ↓ for more information

End of Summer Splash Bash at City Park


Capaha Field

Click below ↓ for more information

Barrel ‘n Brews
